Dealing with finances, stock markets and portfolios can be complicated task and that is the main reason why you need some tool that will keep everything organized and easily accessible. An app that can offer the help you need is StockStation. It is created by Mobile Interactive and launched on the iOS platform. This all in one market station is the perfect solution for all your financial interests!
The StockStation app contains amazing tools and lots of info that you can use for making smart trade decisions. Just download the app and start browsing through its menu and categories and use the advanced quotes and charts that feature dozens of technical indicators, moving averages, and price bands, overlay bars, etc. You can write your own notes and watch live news, screen and scan with the technical and fundamental scanners, view competitor lists and insider trading and transaction history and enjoy cloud-sync portfolio. The app is protected by your ID passcode, so all of your financial information are safe and secured.
Use the app’s calendar and keep yourself notified with its notifications and enjoy the app more with purchasing other helpful financial featured. You can download it for free from the App Store.
App Store Download Link: StockStation
Originally posted on Intellectualapp.