Jumping tapping games are frequent on both iOS and Android devices. However, jumping with swing on a rope games are rare. That is why today we will talk about such game and warmly recommend it to you as we have been playing it for the last few days non-stop. Furries – Swing On A Rope Jump is a game that tends to combine beautiful artwork, gameplay and easy controls, with tons of different enemies, obstacles and surroundings.
The storyline is lovely as well. You will be playing with the furries characters (you can change them or unlock them as you earn points). The furries are trying to catch the devious thief who had stolen the most precious thing - the statue of their idol, so join and guide them in the race.
The tricky part about this jump rope game arcader is to maintain the furries in the air when real and surprising obstacles start to appear and attack the furries like the pitfalls and daredevils. However, one thing is guaranteed, you will enjoy every second of it, with the ambiental music and sound effects.
The game is free for both iOS or Android and we strongly recommend it to anyone!
App Store Download Link: Furries - swing on a rope jump
Google Play Download Link: Furries – swing on a rope jump