We all know that It Is almost impossible to predict when we will get sick. Unfortunately, sometimes we get ill at the most inappropriate time when we are not close to a hospital or health facility. Alternatively, it can be a condition that does not require going to the doctors, but it is still uncomfortable.
When these situations happen, you can still get a professional consultation from a certified doctor thanks to an iOS and Android app called HealthTap. It links you to more than 100k+ doctors in the US 24/7.
Live Doctor’s Consultation, how you can make use of it?
Let us start by first explaining what a live doctor’s consultation is before going into features HealthTap offers. You would normally have to visit a health facility or clinic when you fall ill in order to see a doctor. In the even you have a personal doctor, you would call them and explain your illness.
With live doctor consultation, you get access to a certified doctor any time. You would explain your situation to a doctor via text or video chat and you would get back a personalized response for your illness. This is what HealthTap brings you. Note that these doctors are real doctors that applied to join HealthTap, which means that any practitioner can join if they want.
HealthTap – the best live doctor consultation app
When it comes to apps offering live doctor’s consultation, HealthTap is undisputedly the best. With the largest library of knowledge worldwide, it has served millions of people and offered more than a billion responses to its users, no wonder it has so many positive reviews and critical acclaim from many different users.
With the simple, yet highly effective UI, you will be able to use text or video capabilities. They will enable you to communicate with a health professional in real time and you get a doctors help in real time. This app links you to doctors in more than 141 fields so you are assured of help no matter your illness.
Full List of Features:
- 24/7 availability
- Available in US and UK
- Gives you access to the world’s largest medical library
- You get personalized responses from professional medical practitioners
- Use of text or video chat for medical consultation
We are confident that there is no android or iOS app that rivals the services you get from HealthTap. It will literally make your trips to a hospital unnecessary. Save time for you and your close ones, get it for free from the links bellow!
Google Play download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.healthtap.userhtexpress&hl=en
iTunes download link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/healthtap-doctors-prescriptions/id466079030?mt=8
Visit: https://www.healthtap.com/
Source: Intellectuapp