Monday, January 30, 2017
MindZense Sleep VR is your pocket size mediation companion that will let you clear your mind with all of the stresses & anxieties
Posted By: Stefan - 5:02 PM“Mindfulness” is probably a word you have heard a lot of lately. It is thrown around as a synonym for words like attention and concentration, often as a command or suggestion: “be mindful of the step,” or “be mindful of others’ emotions.” It is also possible you have heard it said by those in the self-help crowds, often dressed in flowery, poetic cushioning.
Nevertheless, meditation and mindfulness can have very real, measurable effects on your wellbeing. That said the practice is more than simply sitting calmly. Meditating is proven to reduce stress, help us keep calm and sleep better too. Do you want to master the art? There are ranges of apps that help you live a more ‘mindful’ life, wherever you happen to be. Here for this review we have selected an app, mindZense Sleep VR.
What is mindZense Sleep VR?
MindZense Sleep VR is your pocket size mediation companion that will let you clear your mind with all of the stresses & anxieties you have go throughout the day. It is aurally pleasing with VR universe, and happens to be a very pretty app. it features a soothing voice track with gentle music binaural relaxation techniques. In order to be stress free, you just have to take the 17 minutes of helping session.
This is a great way for people of all ages to start meditation as to use this app you don’t need to have some prior knowledge of mediation. Just put on you put your headsets and tap the play button. This app focuses on breathing, relaxing and other therapies to let you get ready for the bed.
This universal virtual reality meditation app runs on both your iPad and iPhone and the best thing is that it is free to download. Click the recommended link below to install it on your devices.
App Store Download Link: mindZense Sleep VR
Google Play Download Link: mindZense Sleep VR