Keeping a budget can be tough, and sometimes that means that a bill or two might be forgotten occasionally. It used to be that people would have physically to keep a list of their monthly expenses in their wallets as a reminder of what bills had to be paid and how much discretionary income a person had. Then, with the invention of Microsoft Office, users were able to keep virtual spreadsheets of their monthly budget, making it easier to keep track of their income. Now, people have budget apps — apps on their smartphone that help keep their budget tracked and in line. Therefore, without further ado, here is our review for an app named, AntPocket - Budget & Finance.
What is AntPocket - Budget & Finance?
AntPocket - Budget & Finance is a new expense manager app. When it comes to personal expenses, there is nothing as handy and enlightening as AntPocket - Budget & Finance to make use of. You can write down everything, so as not to forget and not to overlook any expense. No matter how petty an amount has been, it can be calculated and thus added to your overall balance for the day, the week or the month as it comes up with a built-in calculator.
One of the best features of AntPocket - Budget & Finance is the fact that your information is kept secure. You can also create your own passcode and thus enhance the overall security of the app. You can also add more information to your transactions by adding their pictures and with its Google map integration, it helps you to locate the nearest ATM and Bank location. In addition, you can also track the location where you are spending.
To get started with managing your budget download this handy to your Android today, free from the link at the end.
Google Play Download Link: AntPocket - Budget & Finance