Looking to keep a digital journal of all of your kids memories made and for the future? You will rarely find a better and more useful journal than the app we will review today – LegacyofLove Parent Journal. Read more how you can benefit from this person-to-person journaling app.
General info
LegacyofLove is a top-notch parent journaling and memory saver app for iOS and Android. Based on a concept of journaling and memory keeping with lectures from older generation, the app combines great features to preserve and cherish important moments, but also teach and guide future generations.
Record videos, keep photos, add milestones and more
To best explain what LegacyofLove is, it’s best to describe it as a digital scrapbook where you can record and store photos, images (you can edit them easily), audio, saved voice mails, and video. Safe and intuitive, you can easily search through all memories and milestones, invite other people like your spouse or grandparents, and login from any device to view your memories from anywhere.
Our experience
Overall, this is indeed an amazing app. Actually it is one of the best we reviewed in a long time. We completely support the vision of this team of developers that this app can preserve and build legacy for generations!
If you want to keep memories, record lectures/interviews and moments with your kid to look back and generally have one app for all your kids’ memories, LegacyofLove is a must-have.