Making the right investing decisions and keeping track of everything going on in the financial markets can be infuriating and confusing. Having the right finance app on your smartphone to keep you alerted, and informed, and guide you through this world, is a must. We looked and we found one app that offers all of this and much more. Read more about it.
General Intro
Developed for Android and IOS users, and designed for the Indian market, this stock news, investment insights, and social app offers a wide range of financial tools and seamless navigation for you to make the right financial decisions. Stay on top of business and financial markets, track the latest updates and news, all right on your smartphones with a tap. Monitor investments and stay alerted with this app.
App’s Features
The app offers variety of features such as real time on stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodity, and Forex on the Indian and USA markets. It helps you discover what’s trending on the market, quickly browse through markets and get the latest market data. Latest quotes, prices, and charts are available in one place. Stay informed on the latest market news. Search for news based on what you are interested in, the app will instantly give you all the news coverage on that topic.
The app’s Locker section allows you to search for specific topics and discover news. Make comparisons on the market and get all the details. It also offers video content, and access to forums and surveys. You can share news, join the forum to be part of the community and discuss with other users. Surveys can be created for you to ask questions you want to know more about before making decisions. Stocks, commodities, crypto and Forex can be added to a watchlist and you can turn notifications on to get alerted whenever there’s a change. Request features, customize your profile, and more with this app. Keep yourself informed about the financial and business markets at all times on this platform.
Download the app on Google Play and App Store to make the right financial decisions!