Cross DJ Free is an excellent digital DJing app, letting you blend your music files together in a continuous, synchronized mix. There are two decks, with waveforms displayed for each. Above the decks both waveforms are shown together, so you can easily see how beats match up. There are quite a lot of controls squeezed into Cross DJ Free's interface, but they are all useful. Each deck has cue and play controls, and you can save up to six play locators for each track.
Beats per minute are automatically calculated, and can be changed if incorrect. Controls are mapped to your keyboard. There are some in-app purchases for advanced features, but they are not obligatory. This means almost every essential feature of the app is free.
For beginners it is an ideal application for learning digital DJing, and an excellent free option! With some practice, you can create excellent sounding mixes making it perfect for parties.
It is recommended for DJs, music lovers, beginners, music enthusiasts. The app is available free for both iOS and Android platforms. To download click the recommended link below:
App Store Download Link: Cross DJ Free.
Google Play Download Link: Cross DJ Free.
For PC Download Link: Cross DJ Free.
For tutorials about how to remix visit:
Lessons to learn: Cross DJ Free.