More than a third of the students surveyed named stress as a major problem while in college. Then there are the social interaction problems and the lack of collaboration with fellow students on various courses. But, it doesn’t have to always be like that. If you have the right tools, college can be an enjoyment. One of the best ones that is available in the form of an app is Accomplysh.
What is Accomplysh?
We found about Accomplysh on one student forum. It is an app intended for students and acts as a service platform for undergraduate and graduate school students that helps classmates and schoolmates connect and exchange course related and school related information.
How to use it – Features
When you open Accomplysh for the first time, you are able to select your school, major and add your courses. You can use the built-in search engine that will find your courses fast and prepopulated with course’s days, times and instructor’s name. Do that for all in order to achieve better organization of your courses.
Once you have added the courses and major, you will discover who your classmates are in each course and which students are in the same field as you are. On top of that, you will find a forum like area for each course where classmates can collaborate on assignments and help each other with hard or confusing questions.
The cool thing is that even when you miss a class, you can get help and get back on track really fast.
There is an organized class-notes system and you can access to notes uploaded by students from previous semesters.
Marketplace for text books
Besides the basic functionality, the app enables you to buy and sell textbooks. You need to post just once, either for sale or looking to buy, and the system looks for matches and notifies you when a match occurs. Neat feature, as well as the whole app.
Get Accomplysh on Google Play or App Store. It is free for both platforms.
App Store Download Link: Accomplysh
Google Play Download Link: Accomplysh
Originally published on Hightechholic