Keeping a balanced budget can help you stay on track and sleep better at night. But if the management of your personal finances requires sifting through piles of receipts and retrieving cash from various pockets and purses, it’s time to reconsider your approach. You should check out SAYE, personal finance management app that has quickly gained solid user base because of the great features.
Everyhing in SAYE is made with a simple goal, to be as useful and as simple as possible. It aims to enhance and improve your financial stability. With it you will see where you spend your money and you’ll stop wasting them on unimportant stuff, maybe the most important thing in personal money management.
SAYE Features:
- Simple, yet neatly organized
- Smooth design and user interface
- Possibility to add incomes, expenses and categories
- Divides your finances by categories
- Lovely summary section with lots of analysis options
SAYE is great for anyone that needs to organize finances in any form, but mostly it is intended for individual, private users. For example, SAYE can be extremely useful if you are running a household or you have lots of different incomes and expenses on monthly bases. It is most certainly one of the best personal finance & budget planner apps that you can get for free on the App Store.
App Store Download Link: SAYE
Originally published on Intellectuapp