What is Cluttered Garage Sales?
Cluttered Garage Sales locally creates a broad platform for people to place items for sale by means of media content, images, and photographs to convey the message to interested parties. A lot of information is available about all the items for sale, so buyers can make an educated decision. By using GPS on your mobile phone, you can browse an impressive collection of items freely in your neighborhoods. Once a decision is made concerning buying an item, users can use its instant messaging features place the deal.
Key Features:
· Easy login procedure by using your social media accounts
· Manage your ads on the home screen
· Share your ad on social media.
· If you Like the products share it with your friends by social features
· Now no need to pay for third-party bargain charges
This app serves the best in helping you to get rid of your unused home stuff. Download this app free for your iOS and Android devices from the links below:
App Store Download Link: Cluttered Garage Sales
Google Play Download Link: Cluttered Garage Sales